Who is Eileen Tate? Everything you need to know about Andrew Tate's mother
Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate are among the most widely recognized personalities in the online communities. Their fame has grown exponentially over the past few years, primarily because of their contentious and hyper-masculine viewpoints. Although their father, Emory Tate, was an accomplished chess player with an International Masters title, very little is known about their mother, Eileen.
While Eileen Tate is not as widely recognized as her husband and two sons, she continues to play a significant role in the lives of the Tate brothers. This article aims to delve into her life and shed light on her experiences.
Here's what we know about Andrew Tate's mother Eileen
Eileen Ashleigh Tate is a British citizen, and although her two sons are highly popular, it is worth noting that she also gave birth to a third child. Janine Tate is the sister of the well-known Tate brothers and is the youngest of the three.
Andrew Tate has shared details about his mother and their modest upbringing. He disclosed that his mother had separated from her husband in 1986 and subsequently moved with her children back to the UK. Andrew and his brother led a simple life in the town of Luton, Bedfordshire.
Speaking about his mother's single motherhood, Andrew Tate said:
“I was raised by a single mother in England. I wouldn’t call my mother particularly nice or soft. In fact, my mother was mean and hard.”Regrettably, Eileen lost her husband Emory to a heart attack while he was attending a chess tournament in California.
Working as a dinner lady to support her family
As mentioned previously, the Tate family had a modest lifestyle. Eileen Tate, Andrew's mother, used to work as a dinner lady washing dishes. She is retired, partly due to the significant wealth that her two sons have accumulated.
Andrew played a key role in enabling his mother to retire. He disclosed that one of his aspirations was to retire her once he became a successful kickboxer and TV personality. During a podcast, Andrew discussed his mother, Eileen, stating:
“When I first started making money, I retired my mother. I called her up and said, look, because she was still a dinner lady, she was washing dishes and I said f that off.”He added:
“Isn’t that as old as the human time where the sons make money to look after the parent? Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? I don’t know. I thought that was normal. To me, it was like the Western attitude towards the whole thing was so skewed.”Andrew's mother is very much alive and kicking. Andrew has previously mentioned sending her money for support, but she is not known for being very public. Consequently, she was not very involved during the arrest of the Tate brothers in December 2022.
Currently, Andrew Tate has been released from a Romanian prison, but he and his brother Tristan Tate are set to serve a month under house arrest.
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