Where is Deanna Cook's ex-husband Delvecchio Patrick now? Whereabouts explored ahead of #TextMeWhenY
Deanna Cook's ex-husband, Delvecchio Patrick, attacked her while she was on the phone with a 911 operator on August 17, 2012. The clumsiness of Dallas police caused a delay, and Cook's body was only found two days after Patrick strangled and drowned her in the bathtub at her house.
CBS reported that although one "couldn't hear what she [Deanna Cook] was saying" in the call, it was clear that "she was screaming for her life." The outlet reported that the 911 call lasted about 11 minutes and that she was even heard calling Patrick's name. He was charged with murder.
As per other reports on the case, in May 2015, Delvecchio Patrick was found guilty of the charge and was eventually sentenced to 85 years in prison. He is currently serving the term at the William G. McConnell Unit, as per prison records.
Lifetime's #TextMeWhenYouGetHome will further delve into Deanna Cook's vicious murder in an all-new episode this Monday, September 11, 2023. An official synopsis for the upcoming episode says:
"When mother of two Deanna Cook misses her daily call to her mom, her family worries that Deanna's stalker may have something to do with it; her family's 911 call falls on deaf ears, and they are forced to make a shocking discovery."Delvecchio Patrick was heard saying, "I'm gonna kill you," in the 911 call Deanna Cook made before being murdered
According to Fox 4, Delvecchio Patrick was charged with the vicious murder of his ex-wife and mother-of-two, Deanna Cook. He stood trial in May 2015, nearly three years after the latter's family found her strangled and drowned in the bathtub at her Dallas home.
Cook was on the phone with a 911 operator when Patrick reportedly attacked her. Fox 4 revealed crucial details about the call and statements the 32-year-old made while begging for her life. Cook reportedly asked her attacker:
"Why are you doing this to me? Please, Red! I'm not doing nothing."Meanwhile, another voice, identified as Patrick's, was heard in the background repeatedly saying:
"I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you!"The Dallas Morning News reported that despite the operator failing to take down Cook's address during the call, police arrived at her house about 50 minutes later. However, they left after failing to get a response.
Cook's family soon became suspicious after failing to get in touch with her and, especially after they saw water pouring out of the house while the doors were locked. They requested a welfare check from the Dallas police but to no avail. Eventually, they knocked down the house door to find her dead in the bathtub.
Where is Delvecchio Patrick now?
WFAA reported that after the Delvecchio Patrick May 2015 trial, the jury deliberated for more than three hours and returned with the guilty verdict following a week-long trial. He was later sentenced to 85 years in prison.
During the trial, Patrick's defense attempted to portray Deanna Cook as an aggressive woman who often got into fights with the defendant. They also alleged that the victim was hooked on drugs.
Prosecutors relied on the recording of the desperate 911 call Cook made right before she was murdered by her ex-husband, claiming that the tape didn't lie.
The Assistant District Attorney Trey Stock, as per the Dallas Morning News, said:
"I find it absolutely incredible that someone could listen to that 911 tape and come up before you with a straight face and tell you Deanna Cook did not die a traumatic death."According to the Texas Department of Corrections, Patrick is serving his sentence at the William G. McConnell Unit in Beeville and will only become eligible for parole in 2042.
Learn more about Deanna Cook's murder by ex-husband Delvecchio Patrick on Lifetime's #TextMeWhenYouGetHome.
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